Monday’s Gizmodo story on Pheromone Parties caught me totally by surprise. Apparently advances in pseudoscience have made a whole new level of scam possible. Imagine! One of these parties was held on April 5th in Los Angeles, and there are more to come. Pheromones are a perennial item that snake-oil salesmen try to sell,…

Bawdy Storytelling’s Geeksexual: Tonight in San Francisco

Many of you know Bawdy Storytelling from their prior events covered on Tiny Nibbles. Dixie De La Tour‘s always nerd-friendly performance series is getting even more nerd-friendly tonight, with Bawdy Storytelling: Geeksexual at the Verdi Club in San Francisco (buy advance tickets here). Held regularly for 5 years now in Oakland, San Francisco and points…

Do Ovulating Women Have More Sexual Fantasies?

Under the quaintly condescending title Fertile Imagination: Ovulating Gals Have More Sex Fantasies, LiveScience’s Stephanie Pappas reports on a study that found that ovulating women are not only more likely to have sexual fantasies, but tend to include more men in their fantasies. Specifically, “Women have more sexual fantasies during fertile periods of the month,”…

Sex Work, Stewardesses, and Australia’s Own Borgata Babes

As fate would have it, this morning I began reading Geoffrey Gray’s Skyjack: The Hunt for D.B. Cooper, about the only unsolved skyjacking in U.S. aviation history. An early portion of the book is devoted to the fascinating and horrifying conditions under which stewardesses were expected to work in 1971, at the time of the…

In an article headlined Super Bowl: Volunteers Prepare to Stop Pimps, Sex Traffickers, the Christian Post reports on what may be the very weirdest sporting-event-related promotional giveaway in history: Super Bowl anti-sex-slavery soap. No, I’m not making this up: Theresa Flores, founder of Save Our Adolescents from Prostitution (S.O.A.P.), told The Christian Post that major…

Did you know that on Trojan’s 2006 report card on sexual health on college campuses, Yale was the only university with a perfect score, praised by Trojan for its excellent student sexual health resources? One of the reasons Yale students rate as such sexual smartypantses is the annual Sex Week at Yale (SWAY), which kicked…
