Sex News: Burroughs, Pick up artists, Olympic dirtiness, Pentagon porn paranoia

  • The Turkish publisher facing obscenity charges for releasing a translation of a William Burroughs novel has vowed not to be intimidated by an Istanbul court’s decision to postpone the trial. Accused of furthering “attitudes that were permissive to crime” additional books will be added including Chuck Palahniuk’s Snuff (whose method of death/murder is explained in the book from one of *my* books).
    William Burroughs’ Turkish publishers’ obscenity trial postponed (Guardian)
  • Officials at the Pentagon have instructed employees not to browse porn on work computers – it’s considered ‘unprofessional’ and a poor use of worktime, and they believe it is a security threat. Why? The claim is malware – but why not just enforce safe browsing across the board, hmmm?
    Missile Defense Agency warns workers to lay off the porn (NY Daily News)
  • Pickup artist tactics for getting women into bed won’t turn ordinary men into rapists, say experts — but they can convince people that coercing women into sex is normal. What I will say is certainly true is that PUA techniques are all about blurring consent. And: ew.
    Do Pickup Artist Techniques Lead To Sexual Assault? (Buzzfeed)

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  1. The reason the beach volleyball players are all rugged up is the (often) very late timing of the matches, meaning that it’s Very cold. I read one interview where an Australian female player said they like the bikinis during day games due to the heat, and during a Very hot day she’d prefer to play without them(!).

    I disagree that the bikini is the only reason to have beach volleyball, from experience (I play weekly in a sandpit league) diving for the ball on a sand court is much less risky than diving on a hard court, even if you have pads on.

    Also, Violet, I’m not sure what you mean by Safe Browsing in the Pentagon Porn story, there are holes in just about every filtering system.

  2. Beach volleyball is terrible at this Olympics, every time is see it on TV they are dressed like ninjas. If they aren’t wearing bikinis, what’s the point? There already is volleyball, dump it and bring back baseball and softball

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