Internet celebrity interview on Pop17

image by kk+

Image by kk+.

While walking the halls in the Austin Convention Center with hottie Jonathan Moore during SXSW, I was stopped by Sarah Meyers and she asked me for a quick interview — which ended up in this nice little video for her new project Pop17. In the vid, she asks a number of videoblog personalities about the concept of web celebrity. She gets some very interesting answers. I’m at the end (which is nice), and Jonathan ran the camera. Ironically, the next day I ran into several friends at a bar (no, that’s not the ironic part) and they told me that the interview I did with with Meyers was used by a local Austin TV news station as background B-roll for their SXSW coverage. “Hey! I saw you on TV last night in the hotel room!” was repeated over drinks, and felt surreal… (Also, I didn’t know this image was being snapped, or by who…)

Here is the link to the Pop17 episode — I’d embed the video but I’m worried it’ll break my blog — WordPress isn’t playing nice with video embeds right now, grrr…

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  1. Hey thanks for writing about it! Viddler makes special code for wordpress that won’t give you any problems. Just click the embed button in the video and select the wordpress option. Viddler is great because they make their player blog friendly.

    Cool we got on a local TV station!!!

  2. Darn, beaten to it. I came here specifically to say you looked amazing in that picture (What’s wrong with dorky???), and that I wish I could wear shirts like that. Curse my too-large tum and too-small chest!

  3. thanks for saying I look cute in the pic (I thought it was kinda dorky!), and I love that shirt too.

    and Jackson — extra thanks on the WP hack. I’ll try it this afternoon.

    as for iTouch porn, try searching Fleshbot, and in the meantime I’ll ask a friend “in the know”. :)

  4. I was at a tattoo convention once where I got interviewed by a roving TV reporter. Then at 11:00 that night, a bunch of people came out of the hotel bar and told me that I’d been on the 11:00 news. And when I got home on Monday, a bunch more told me I’d been on CNN. I guess it was a slow weekend. But it was a surreal experience.

    And yes, you’re awfully cute in that picture.

  5. If you’re using the ‘visual editor’ in WP, even if you enter the embed string in the ‘code’ tab, it’ll get borked. Go to Users > Your Profile and under Personal Options (top left, right under the menu nav) turn off the ‘Use the visual editor when writing’ checkbox. It means you don’t get the fancy WYSIWIG interface, but posting third-party code will go much more smoothly — I rely on clicking “save and continue editing” and then opening the preview link in a new tab to do my proofreading and embed code testing.

    The other trick I use is that sometimes embed width and height settings are wider than the column — to fix that, and preserve aspect, you take the current height, multiply it by the desired width, and divide by the current width (I use the mac calculator app). Then put that number as the new height and the desired width as the new width. You may have to edit these values in two places — one for the embed attributes and, if necessary, again for the object parameter. Hope that a) makes sense and b) helps.

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