Just a lovely video I found tonight. Jamilla Deville is the best-known Australian pole dance champion. I’m not a pole dance person (though I fell off one very sweetly and dorkily saturday in 6″ heels at this extremely fun studio — more on that in a bit). But this video is pretty eye candy for a pretty tired Violet. Tomorrow, sekrit NDA interviews with hi-tech corporate product developers — again. Weird life I have. All I want is the perfect gadget…
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She definitely has it right, that was art in every aspect.
I was just also going to say that she looks like she came from Cirque du Soleil. I’d love to have the balance she has!
To Slartibartfast:
Jamilla Deville shows that pole dancing takes a great deal of physicality. What she does is closer to trapeze or rope performances from Cirque Du Soliel. I think what can make pole dancing appear misogynistic and offensive is the context of the dance – the strip club.
Personally, I enjoy a good strip club from time to time. However, I like to think that I try to make personal and real connections with the dancers. Their job is tough, requires skill, and often short lived.
Great video!!! Why do so many mainstream feminists find pole dancing offensive or misogynistic (ie. Ariel Levy’s Female Chauvanist Pigs)?
Wow. I am so impressed with her muscle control I forgot to be turned on. . .
Now there’s an Olympic sport with which to replace softball, if they need one. BMX biking? Bah!
Wow that is absolutely amazing. You have to be quite an acrobat to pull that off.