Thank you, Aaron Farmer!

illustration by Aaron Farmer
I have never knowingly had sex with a Windows user. Not knowingly. Ever.

A while back a lame local weekly contracted a very cool artist to do an illustration of me for a very douchey hit piece they ran about me; except the illustrator is a fan (and now, friend) and he made this really fucking awesome drawing of me for their piece. He didn’t know it was going to be an attack piece; he said he was excited to get me as his assignment. Hee! The art outlasts the douchebaggery, and I met Aaron Farmer in person at the GayVN’s last weekend. He gave me a copy of the art to scan, and said he had fun “researching” details for the drawing (with a sly smile). Check out the radness on his website Robots In Love. Thank you, Aaron!

Also: it’s Internet Annoyance Day. Use it or lose it, my friends.

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