“Violet Blue – Portrait with Halo of 13 Freebie Dildos & A Sacred Heart/Butt Plug“
* I am speechless.
* Buy his book, it’s fucking fantastic.
* Buy prints of this, or just be totally entertained (and see the large size of this image) in Merkley???’s post Making Our With Big Ben, Hanging Out With Dudes Fantastic, & Working Out With Exciting Punctuation.
You are amazingly beautiful in this shot – truly inspired and inspiring. You are transcendent – at once the image of pure serenity and the innate sexual power of the orange chakra.
Yeah, the guy is definitely an artist, but you should be really proud of what you inspired, Violet. You were a lot more than just the subject of these photos.
That man is an artist. He can make the beautiful even more beautiful, all the while making you think. His book is high on my to-get list once I have a stable income again.
(btw, would you license your tweets via http://tweetcc.com ? then we can follow you from license-compatible http://laconi.ca servers.)
Wow, indeed. The impact of this is impossible to resist.
i am speechless, too. fantastic!!
I think this is certainly the best picture of lot. I do see it in the vein of exotic such a Hindu goddess or Manga. It also seems to me to be a crown as you have a regal about you. So I would say the Empress of Pleasurable Penetration.
I’m not sure what to think about the apparent effort that went into getting dildos of a specific shape (with base-plate), and also sets of color.
It’s fun.
Again absolutely beautiful. He has done an excellent job at producing some wonderful art with a gorgeous participant/subject/model. I hope you feel that you are creating great art because I sure do.
wow Violet you look amazing in these pics!
This has a very Hindu goddess look to it. Yeah, I know that the dildos are forming an almost halo, but I still see a mix of the Manga Girl with a bit of Indian divinity as well.Once again the composition is so damn right. I also never expected to see a buttplug as a sacred form of worship either!
It is pretty great. But also troubling. Which only increaseth the greatitude.