It’s a nice day for a… Space wedding

In case you missed it on the Telegraph, Space or a couple other media outlets, a very cute and nerdy space-obsessed New York based couple are set to have the first-ever wedding in zero gravity. Of course, they’re blogging the whole experience as they go along, and the couple is having custom-made couture for the gravity-free event. No word yet on any weightless honeymooning (don’t forget my handy HOWTO: Have Sex In Space), or custom-made marital aids to assist in zero-G hookups (be it stylish bondage gear or a simple gravity-defying hole in a sheet; I’m sure Coco de Mer could make something quite lovely and practical).

Regardless, the best encapsulated writeup is in Born Rich’s New York couple is world’s first to wed in zero gravity (, and it looks like the Zero G Corporation beat Virgin Galactic’s previous plans to the 70-mile high altar.

And if you are really loaded (with cash, not high — on drugs, anyway) and straight — no word on gay space marriage yet — you could make your journey to wedded excess even more excessive and by outsourcing your selection process to and get you set for launch:

(…) Co-founders Mark Anderson and Scott Valdez are overseeing a cherry-picked team of virtual assistants that are referred to as “007” Dating Assistants due to the “suave and sophisticated nature of their undercover interactions.” Yes, they are actually called “007″ Dating Assistants. Anderson attests to the power of virtual assistants representing you on online dating sites because that’s how he found his wife. As a pharmaceutical sales exec, Anderson had his assistant manage his online dating accounts and schedule 79 dates with attractive women within a period of a year. One of these women happens to now be his wife.

Virtual assistants will help clients fill out their profiles and then search dating sites like and eHarmony to find women that fit each client’s tastes and preferences. Once the client informs the assistant of necessary information for a profile, the assistant will take over the process of finding, messaging, and setting up dates with women. According to the site, the “007″ assistant will begin “contacting and interacting with the candidates. Once an interesting candidate is qualified as a strong candidate, your 007 Dating Assistant works to stimulate interest, build comfort, and flip her attraction switches.” The client doesn’t have to participate in the process until a “pre-date evaluation” meeting before the actual date. (…more,

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