It’s almost like furniture porn, but actually it’s Antiques Roadshow smut by Dante Davidson, and my thoughts on all the sex and podcasting hoo-hah: Open Source Sex 15 (MP3).
I said “hoo-hah”. Heh. Okay, right now I need to pack for my trip to New York tomorrow to meet up with the Extra Action Marching Band, and I’ll also be making an in studio apprearance on the Derek and Romaine show friday night at 8pm Eastern Time; listen in for free on the Sirius website. Or, busy yourself with these great videos — apparently the drummer in David Byrne’s band wears a camera on his head (helmet?) and he took these great videos of the Marching Band, one from the Fillmore and the other from the Hollywood Bowl. Runor has it that Byrne and his gang are excited to see Extra Action again in New York, unofficially, so things could get interesting…