Two much needed emails

Self-portrait by Kristamas Klousch.

I know that a) my column has gone live on its national newspaper site and b) that I’m home when I get these two astounding emails. I don’t need to look to know what’s being said about me: being a woman and writing about sex is a job no girl should want to grow up to be, unless she springs from her father’s head fully armed. My inbox, anonymized:

Subject: Solid journalism

Just a quick note to pick you up after reading all the negative comments at the bottom of the SFGate articles. In general, and especially of late, I’d say you’ve done an excellent job of covering the sex beat. As a professional journalist of 15 years, I’d say you definitely belong on the (Web) pages of a national newspaper.

Keep your head up.

Subject: I read the comments on your recent article: So sorry!

I normally don’t read the comments on your articles.
I was astonished by what I read there.
I’d like to say that I typically enjoy your writing, and appreciate the work you do in bringing these issues to light.
I hope that you continue, and that you ignore certain comments.


For more context on the woman-hating environment fed by the national paper I write for and its struggle with understanding web values, plus anonymous commenters on the Internet– and my thoughts on it — please read Ulorin Vex, and living in a bell jar of relentless hate (

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  1. I just read the comments on one of your articles and I’m appalled. To think that such hate can be allowed to be posted is disheartening. I agree that people who don’t agree with writers should be able to have their say, but blatantly attacking the writers with petty put downs isn’t by any means productive.

    I’m sorry you have to go through this…that so many of us who are sex positive (especially women) or by any means counter-culture have to endure such hatred.

  2. date Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 10:58 PM
    subject Out of Office AutoReply: Comment platform

    I am currently out of the office on vacation, returning Tuesday, October 20th.
    If you need immediate assistance feel free to contact my assistant ————.
    Otherwise, I’ll follow up with you when I return.

    Thank you,

    You know, I’m beginning to think SFGate isn’t going to answer my questions about why they have such a poor commenting system. Or Slack never did return from her vacation.

  3. I just have to say that I have decided to not scroll down to see those comments. I am stunned EVERY time I’ve done it in the past to see the viscious, cruel, unspeakably hideous bile directed at you. It leaves me breathless with anger and horror. Your bravery to continue doing what you do (which I wholeheartedly believe is honest, insightful, educated, compassionate and professional writing EVERY time), keeps me humble. I had to speak up, in support of you as a human being and of all your work, because adding my voice to the ‘Violet Blue is awesome in every way’ club seems an appropriate use of the interwebs. The world needs people like you, not those unmentionables who choose to spread hatred by posting comments on your articles. It must be said. They need to get a life.
    Much love to you,

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