Letting the days go by

* here’s last night’s entry: I fell asleep waiting for video to upload!

It’s about 2am and I need to go to bed — I’ve been up to a lot of mischief, but I just want to share a few tidbits with you before going to bed. I will explain later — first, at 5pm I walked into the Fillmore auditorium this afternoon and walked into this (small video); then it magically became this (long video). Yes, that’s David Byrne and the Extra Action Marching Band. Later, it looked like this (short video — ran out of memory). I know, I know about the quality, but no cameras were allowed and I wasn’t even supposed to be there. Although I was stoked to be working for the band, and when I told a few horn players that I walked out of GV, they told me the Marching Band should have played and marched me on outtta there…!

Sleep now, then lots of fun news and cool stuff going on. Book deadline survived, Hornboy’s birthday celebrated, I finally slept in like a good unemployed person, more soon.

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