Damn Handjob Videos

painter3.jpgHotHardCock’s handjob videos are making it difficult for me to finish the Sex Blog Roundup today. Jonno will be mad that I am so easily distracted by penises. He should know by now how much I like the penis.

Thusly, my brain is fragmented and I’m going to keep this post going while I work on the roundup.

* I posted a new podcast last night, Open Source Sex 16 (MP3), all about sexual fetishes (with a few guest words from Miss Hottie Minx from Polyamory Weekly). I’m getting a flood of mail about it already, like a lot. Examples: “Loved your new podcast re: fetishes…it should spark an interesting “discussion” between my wife and I when she listens to it tonight.” * * * “I just finished listening to your OSS podcast#16 and felt moved to e-mail you a “Thank You”. As a person firmly committed to a monogamous relationship (married to the love of my life for 14 years now) I can attest to how isolated it can feel when you don’t believe you can share your fetish with the person with whom you are most intimate with… So as you said in your podcast, I bury my own desires in an effort to spare someone I truly love any mental anguish and out of a fear of poisoning the relationship. Your podcast was encouraging to me though. It was encouraging to hear an adult talking publically (or as public as a podcast is) about a fetish as a “gift” and not a “crime”.” * * * “You inspired me to build a blog in spanish called “El Dossier del Sexo”, or “The Sex Dossier”.”

* Not so new news items: Amazon.com selling sex toys and Google search clickthrough monitoring. Amazon has been quietly selling sex toys for well over a year (and porn, too). And as a rabid linker I know that you can’t right-click to save a Google URL (“copy link location”); Gmail users will know that any URL in an email is also not a direct hyperlink.

* Sex bloggers need to have more sex and post about it. Dammit.

* I need to have more sex and post about it. Dammit. Or at least have more sexo. I am also in need of variation-o. Lots of it. There, I said it. Hornboy asked what I wanted for my birthday next month and I told him flat out, “A threesome.” He stammered and grinned, “Okay.” I pinned him with my gaze and said, “With you and another guy.” Alpine skiing, I thought. The look on his face literally made me spit the sip of wine I mistakenly took for dramatic effect right back into my glass (a first). Hornboy turned red, well, kinda purple really, and said, “Well, it’s your birthday.”

* I’m completely freaking out because Extra Action is going to play with my other most favorite band *ever*, Modest Mouse. I’m listening to The Moon and Antarctica right now; it’s great Fleshbot music to blog by, something about the world of online sex and the circularity of their lyrics. Fuck, I need to buy a ticket.

* This girl is cute and she likes pancakes.

* Last month I had nearly 300,000 unique visits to Tiny Nibbles. My total podcast downloads is well over twice that now. I can’t even believe it. I forget that anyone reads any of this besides me and my friends. I got an email from Vivid (the porn company) saying that because my Google ranking was so high I could “benefit” from having an affiliate link to ‘Vivid Cash’ on my site. I have high traffic so I should link to them. Anyone else see the hilarity in that logic? Oh, world of adult. I almost wanted to say, okay, but only if you start making good porn again.

* This outfit is very simple, but I want to duplicate it.

* Last weekend I went to a birthday party for Mark’s son, who turned one year old. When Mark saw me across the park, he hurried over to me, embraced me, and said in my ear, “I miss you.” A space opened up in me, somewhere bewteen my stomach and under my eyes, pressing up like tears but not. After ten years, I am starting to understand what it means to have a family. This weekend we will make things go boom for the History Channel.

* OMG, look at this painting COOP is working on!

* This is a great tutorial on talking dirty. Ulp — I just realized I’m in it! Thank you, Katie!

* Okay, now I’m about to post the roundup. I just can’t decide which photos to use; lickable Dacia (pictured). (I love blogging at Fleshbot.) Likely the most colorful one; that always looks best with our white border and pink background.

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