A few posts back I played with a tutorial I found on Make to stencilize my porn images: a reader (who prefers to remain anonymous) writes in with a different tutorial, with some really cool results. Here’s what he wrote, and his gorgeous result is above. (Thanks, S!)
good evening miss,
(…) this is more a comment toward the tutorial. it is helpful, as is obvious by the work it led you to do. however it just as easy, and in fact simpler and better looking to do as follows:
1. image/mode/grayscale
“discard color information” -yes
2. image/adjustments/brightness/contrast
-adjust to suit. generally bump up the brightness a little and the contrast up a bit more than that.
3. image/adjustments/posterize
-choose 2 for a single layer stencil (i.e. black and white) or another low number for a multi layer stencil.
bam! one, two, three. anyways, have a wonderful evening and thank you for keeping me entertained and informed.