Long Now opening

long now

I got invited to the Long Now opening party on thursday because my friend Simone is their secretary (and more), so she’s basically their girl-friday saftey net, from signage to snacks to tracking the foundaiton’s credit card — a crazy job that’s rewarding in deep cultural ways, considering what they’re trying to do. She’s also a pal in the Flaming Lotus Girls and the main babe behind RoboGames. Anyway, I went to the opening for friendship/drinking buddy/fellow metalworker-girl supprort, and happily my dear friend Scott was there — and he took some incredible photos. When you look at the clock, realize that all the pieces are stainless steel and press-fit. Amazing.

Reader comment: Mark writes me, “Your post on the Long Now clock inspired me to search the Wired Magazine archive for the first article that most of us read about this project.

“Ironically, the GIFs at the head of the article break, showing that the design of the web page containing an article about something that’s supposed to last 10,000 years hasn’t even lasted 10 years.”

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