Mmm, deadline

xmen-mystique.jpgI have a book due soon; I did 3,000 words today after SRL. Three chapters down, five to go. w00t! After I finished one tonight I felt it was “miller time”. I’m sipping my usual Campari and cruising for trouble on the outernets; coincidentally my pal Chriso’s bf Red sent me this awesome Campari ad. Yet another reason I drink the stuff.

I saw X-Men 3 on friday night after hanging out with them at; here were my email thoughts to Red about the film:

> hmm, X-men, such a mixed bag. my thoughts:

* the editor should have been fired before production started
* there were probably too many writers
* whoever took Rogue out of the movie and made her go human should be shot
* same about Mystique
* Wolverine’s pants not coming off in the last scene MADE NO SENSE. I
will file a protest with some international organization about this
* I like the idea of Magneto living in the Castro now playing chess in
GG park and getting his powers back
* the bridge scenes made me jump up in my chair and want to see the movie again
* totally didn’t get the saving the kid theme, but he had sexy Wil
* I *loved* the magneto dyke sidekicks. like in a leg-humpy way.

Image via.

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