Alex, my kitten who had the thorn stuck in his eye, is still getting mail — but he only reads it when he’s high on catnip, so apologies if we haven’t gotten back to everyone. Thank you! Alex had his surgery, became cone-head the barbarian, and had another checkup, all leaving him with a teeny tiny scar in the very center of his eye. I’m happy to say that it doesn’t seem to have limited his vision in any noticable way, and the scar is fading fast. Eyes (and kittens) are amazing; the eye vet told me it might be completely healed within a year. Incredible — I saw the thorn they pulled out and it was no small affair.
Alex is passed out on greenbud under my office chair right now. Thanks again for your emails! Oh, and it looks like I’m not going to make it out of town this weekend as I’d hoped — too many important meetings, today, saturday and a biggie monday. So you’re my hot date for the weekend’s adventures, dear readers… Also, I got the best compliment on my kitchen dance video from my dear friend in London (who you might remember I stayed with during the bombings). He wrote me, “It’s a year today since you arrived here. Difficult anniversary to forget with all the media stuff about the tube bombs. Loved the kitchen dance vid btw. I think I learnt more about you watching that than all your blog posts combined.”
A very poignant compliment for a very personal video. Still, why aren’t we hearing about the tube bombing anniversary over here?