[Audio + textcast + video] Open Source Sex 44

Yup, I brought it. Open Source Sex #44 has an audio and a video slideshow version, and both are textcasts! My first textcast (last episode) was great and got a lot of positive feedback.

I still don’t know if anyone else is doing this besides Slate; when listening to the podcast, click the center of your iPod’s trackwheel three times to read the story along with me. Listeners wrote in last time to tell me this works with their older iPods as well, yay!

This is an exciting podcast for many reasons; not only is it a textcast and there are audio and video versions, but I was inspired to go all multimedia crazy thanks to Ernest Greene (editor of Hustler’s Taboo Magazine and my fave S/M director) and Nina Hartley, whose upcoming film O: The Power of Submission looks to be an incredible, modern hardcore retelling of the Story of O — all about female submission. They sent me early cuts of the film so I could see if I liked it (I do, a lot), and a bunch of stills that I’ve used in my podcast’s video version as an ongoing slideshow during my reading of N.T. Morley’s story, The New Fiancee. Special thanks to Ernest for everything, and to N.T. Morley for the story sent at my request just for this fun episode. Text from my podcast page, and links to episodes, follow. Snip:

A very special female submission episode, thanks to an exclusive story from N.T. Morley *and* exclusive, just-for-us images from my friends Ernest Greene and Nina Hartley’s new movie, othepowerofsubmission.com. In Morley’s story The New Fiancee, a bride-to-be undergoes a very intense and decadent examination and a lesson in submission at the hands of a powerful dominant woman, and her husband-to-be joins in the activities. The first-time girl-girl theme is really fun here, especially in a dominant/submissive context. This story is a little more master-slave than the stories I usually read on Open Source Sex, but it’s a perfect fit for the very hot new Story of O movie “O The Power of Submission”, which Ernest worked really hard on and is so excited about he sent me rough cuts from the film (!); check out the trailer on their site.

Links: audio post * video post * m4v file direct download * MP3 file direct download * Open Source Sex on iTunes (get episodes on iTunes for full textcast versions)

A few sample stills after the jump!

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