Late night at SRL

And why not? Nothing to do on a friday night, and the Inchworm needed to have a hydraulic hose replaced. Actually, I made it there by 1pm, worked and did my Sirius radio interview from the back of the shop crouched in a quiet space next to a jet engine (live worldwide, from SRL!) — and then just kept working, even though I should have come home and worked on other stuff. I got home a little after midnight. For me, the machines are love, and love is what I needed. I hurt my hand, so typing is a little difficult; I might photoblog for a few days. I took photos of folly from my zenlike friday, seen after the jump.

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On the couch with Nina drinking Mark’s fabulous coffee that he made just for me, with chocolate sprinkles:

Nina, Jonathan and I moved some stuff around and for a short moment these amazing gears were revealed. Now they’re buried behind lots of stuff so I’m glad I got this photo:

Taking a break from wrestling difficult swivel hydro fittings off a blown line on the Inchworm, I snapped a few pics of myself in Mark’s office, checking my email and sniffing my greasy hands:

My evening, spent with hydro lines and drippy fluid — and Nina and Mark, with breaks for beers, fireworks and gossip about love and relationships. An evening spent with my family.

Post afterthought — what I’m sleeping in tonight:

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