My Private Planet and other places I’ve been this weekend



The images above belong to My Private Planet, which seems to be an unfinished site — I say that because some images have .com and .net, and I see there’s no .com for MPP in the tubes of the interweb. No matter, because I’ve spent a signifigant number of mental tangets on this site all weekend, lost in the images and wishing I was the subject in each and every one of them. Nicely done.

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Otherwise, I just got in late sunday night (tonight) from catching up on my Deadwood; I missed the past month and had a lovely sunday with friends playing the ‘cocksucker’ drinking game, where one takes a sip every time the word is said. We had to stop and get more booze at least once. This show has the best writing and I actually find its style very inspiring when I do my personal tangenital posts. In certain, more powerful scenes, the writing moves topically in ever-closing circles, elliptically, until a feeling emerges or piece of action happens (= the event) that moves the narrative forward. I also like the succinct cultural criticism that is often delivered in one snappy, wordy line. Anyway, my favorite line tonight was when one guy said while clutching his bible, “Go away! I’m praying!” and the response was “What claim has your piety on my deference?” Plus, like, every one of the main characters is hot.

Also, other thoughts — two things I dug today: Dacia (my favorite sexy geek and queen of the sex worker/prostitution economics bitchslap) got a book deal for Naked on the Internet. YAY! Meanwhile, Tristan makes crucial points on the HPV vaccine in The Slut Shot, while news of the vaccine hits the headlines around the world.

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