GETV Roboexotica video #2!

Image by Jacob Appelbaum.

The second Roboexotica 2006 GETV episode is up! In it, I interview more robot makers, Jonathan Moore is so not helpful explaining what his machine does (“It makes a drink, and you drink it”), I coin a new bukkake term, and I drink throughout the video. I’m guessing you could put together quite a sequence of me drinking from both videos; I suggest watching both videos and making a drinking game out of it!

Watch More Cocktail Robot Madness from Roboexotica 2006, it’s quite fun. Also, check out the funny Lunchmeet interview with Joahnnes, the festival director and the crazy, crazy man whose house I stayed at in Vienna with Eddie and Jonathan. (Werd — can’t Podtech afford a URL for Lunchmeet? Also, their home page seems to be suffering from the SFGate columnist syndrome; it’s hard to find Lunchmeet from the front page; a category link in the tag cloud would be nice. Bummer, it’s a great show.)

Update: Coolness! The cigarette launcher facial recognition bot has a website (and presumably, a posse)! I *loved* these guys — they basically made a Pitching Machine for cigarettes — check out werpbot: this bot can harm you.

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