Year: 2006

Read the Examiner’s article on blogging — the first line. Tell them how *fucking* stupid they are, please. Here’s the form to tell “a friend” — they did it there again. Update: I just sent an email to and that says “I am not a porn star. I am a sex educator. This…

It’s awfully fun exploring my new Flickr contacts as they come in. This morning I was befriended by vistalux, and while peering at her profile over coffee, I had the joy of investigating an incredibly sexy photo set of hers, My Inky Girls. Apparently she shoots for the site, Inky Girls, and has these nice…

Wow! London Boy just sent me a link to Pronto Condoms, a new line of condoms that don’t need to be unwrapped and go on in seconds (watch the video and see it in action). These South African condoms may also be the first safer-sex items to win a design award — sweet. Snip: “By…

I’ve always wanted to date men who wear nice suits. It’s my La Dolce Vita fetish. (It’s always been in conflict with the boys-in-workboots fetish). By a series of events this last weekend, a friend left his suit in its garment bag at my house. And tonight, I have insomnia. I’m about to dig into…

Update: I just found out this article was the top-trafficked article yesterday on Chronicle/SFGate! And — it got Farked, with (presently) 23589 outgoing clicks (form Fark). YAY! I’m extremely excited about this week’s Chronicle/SFGate column, GooTube’s Porn Opportunists: The Expanding World of Upload-It-Yourself Smut. You know, the Vloggies are this weekend. And people really need…

Am I a customs official? No, but when you visit a foreign country it’s nice to know how to hail a cab and get to your destination without pissing off the driver (and even better if you find out where the cool local bars are). This is basically my blogging style guide, the link practices…

I just got off the air; I reviewed porn and took calls from around the US on the Derek and Romaine Show (Sirius OutQ). I don’t do many shows, but I always do theirs because it’s uncensored, super-fun and I love them! I talked about new porn that I love, including: * Superfreak (trailer *…

Good Vibrations honors me. Um, I really just wrote that. It’s Halloween. Is it also backwards day? Seriously, I can’t believe what they wrote about me. Someone must have put E in the office Halloween candy bowl and put the copywriter in front of a computer aimed at “blogs” with a vibrating mouse and lubed…