Year: 2006

I’m about to leave for the Good Vibes amateur “erotic” film fest. When I went to the GV offices on monday for the screening it was the first time I’d been in that building since I literally threw my key at the marketing manager, tossed my desk belongings into a box, and walked out. I’d…

Referencing, of course, the movie about the cheerleader whose paranoid parents hold a gay intervention and send her to heterosexual reprogramming camp to overcome her gayness, when it was discovered she didn’t like her boyfriend. I’ve been spending much of the day solidifying my selections as a judge for The Vloggies — no easy process.…

I’m still on the Hegre affiliate email list — I joined when I wrote The Smart Girl’s Guide to Porn to see how different affiliates worked. They send me stuff, but I don’t always like it — truth be told, some of the Eastern European models are often too skinny or young-looking for my taste…

Xeni Jardin, Jonathan Moore, Haight and Masonic this afternoon. It looks like they’re plotting something — they are. I love this photo. Our conversation ranged from dating to cryptography, and far beyond. What a wonderful way to spend the afternoon. My other favorite photo is after the jump.