Year: 2006

All the sex in space (and zero gravity) chat is very titillating; everywhere in the articles and blog posts are hints at what we all want to know about the most — the *actual* sex. We’ll never get an explicit taste of space sex from these outlets of conjecture. Not to mention that sex in…

Lazy sunday readings: * Congress targets deceptive ‘sex’ sites — don’t know how this could be prosecutable, but it looks like using “furby” in your URL/name could have you up on federal charges. Snip: “Anyone who includes misleading words or images intended to confuse a minor into viewing a possibly harmful Web site could be…

It must have been after 2am when I climbed off the parked car outside BOCA last night because they were telling us — and everyone — to get out. A guy came up to me and said, “Are you Violet Blue?” I think I smilled and nodded sheepishly. He said, “I thought so! You were…

A longtime reader from Copenhagen writes me today, “It seems that you have been totally hyperactive on the blogging front lately, which is good for us stalkers, but is it good for you?” I’ve actually been holding back. This is a personal post; skip it if you come here for the porn or machines.

Many readers will remember a while back when YouTube yanked some of my content for “its inappropriate nature”, but kept the video, when it wasn’t explicit in any way (and I got emails from gay sites affirming YT’s tendency to yank homoerotic content — the video was a naked man dancing). It made me not…

People who don’t understand what I do think I write erotica — I don’t. I write nonfiction sex ed and I sexblog (yo, it’s a *verb* now). But saying that, I’ve written exactly two pieces of erotica. Both are based on my own fantasies, which is I guess how such a fact-based writer as myself…