Year: 2006

Alex, my kitten who had the thorn stuck in his eye, is still getting mail — but he only reads it when he’s high on catnip, so apologies if we haven’t gotten back to everyone. Thank you! Alex had his surgery, became cone-head the barbarian, and had another checkup, all leaving him with a teeny…

I’ve been silently fuming about something that happened last weekend, and have finally reached the apex of thought and consideration to put a post together. At the SRL party I finally got a chance to catch up with my pal Scott Beale since his trip to Seattle’s Gnomedex 6.0, where he shot lots of his…

No, not the food — the mashup chef toiling over hot beats down in Australia! I’ve been a huge fan of B&M for a while now, chasing down his links and downloads as they travel around various mashup community sites and then expire/disappear. You can find a lot of really cool songs (including the music…

I uploaded three great videos I shot at the SRL party yesterday, and now have them all up on Dumb explosions, amazing V1 footage, the Inchworm in action. “SRL home movies” is going to be a regular series as the upcoming show approaches. You can keep up by checking my video blog, where I…

Yesterday we had a hyooge party at the shop that was half work, half play with the machines. It was great to see so many friends, and also to get in quality time with the big lathe. I also got some great action shots of Scott, had qDot and Kelly as my guests, and just…

When I got home last night after the SRL party, I felt like dancing. quality=”high” width=”320″ height=”256″ name=”movie” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” pluginspage=””> Update: YouTube version is now here. Music via.

Reader Nightbird writes me, “I put this in the WTF category. Maybe you’ll find it interesting, maybe not.” Angel Kitty USB keyboard for the naughty geeky lover ( Not Mac compatible — ha! Lost their whole pervy gadget deisgn fetish target market, there…

“CFNM” is short for Clothed Female, Naked Male and it’s one of those porn “specialty” categiories that always gets relegated to realm of fetish blogs and TGP gallery sections, along with “hairy” and “crack whore midgets”. Uh, *like I care* if heterocentric porn labelers think this is a fringe activity; girls like me love to…

* Yes, it’s true: we’re doing some very interesting shuffling at Gawker. “Brian Lam, currently at Wired Magazine, will helm Gizmodo, the gadget site.” * Blink and you missed it: my favorite porn director of all time (yup, gay) Wash West just had a big feature on him in the LA Times. He’s the brilliance…