Not sure if I find these sites or if sites like this find me. Possi’s Contortion Site is visually compelling, no matter what, even if it hasn’t been updated in a while. I really like this one, this one, and this one.
Year: 2006
Work hard, play harder
At least, that’s my goal — working on four books this week, it was nice to get out with friends last night! Even if since last friday I’ve been interviewed on camera almost every night (tomorrow being the exception, where *I* interview people at RoboGames for GETV)… I’ll collapse in a pile of lipgloss, hairpins…
Linky tidbits
* Health SciTech article: Women’s Brains React Surprisingly Fast to Erotic Images. Snip: “Previous research indicated men are more aroused by erotic images than women, so Anokhin and his colleagues expected women to respond with lower levels of brain activity compared to men. “‘But that was not the case,’ Anokhin said. ‘Women have responses as…
[Audio] Open Source Sex 39
Snipped from my Libsyn page: More from my NPR pirate radio interview series: an interview with my best friend Thomas Roche! I get him to spill about his mad skillz with the necrophilia fetish lecture at San Francisco Sex Education (where we both teach and he’s volunteered for ten years); then we digress into discussing…
So. Fucking. Cool.
I had the pleasure of meeting Phillip from Destroy Hot Action this weekend at Vloggercon 2006 — you *have* to check out his brilliant post, do it yourself sex blog.
Sex in video games = the rant
As many readers know, last friday I was on a panel at the Sex in Video Games conference, which was held here in SF — and I’ve alluded to residual crankiness about the experience in a recent post, so now I’ll give you my play-by-play. Sex in Video Games sounded like it would be a…
Bagina bagina bagina
Jump down, turn around and pick a bale of vagina: our sibling Gawker hands Eve Ensler her vagina on a bloggy plate in the hilarious must-read post Eve Ensler: Again With The Vaginas. I would at this very moment, if I could, lean over and kiss my PUSSY in eternal thanks that I will never…
Where my head is
One of the things I have to do today/tonight is write the intro for Best Women’s Erotica 2007. So I just re-read the intro to BWE 2006, and now I’m all fired up. What’s funny is that in the intro I talk about cupcakes and warm frosting and the spaces in between kisses, and last…
Rebel girls video
I’m under a pile of work and will crawl out soon — in the meantime you *have* to watch my friend Chriso‘s kick-ass video, Rebel Girls! Embed after the jump.
Weekend of the cons
I started my weekend speaking at the Sex In Video Games convention (which was *far* from fun) and enjoyed myself beyond measure at Vloggercon 2006, meeting dozens of new, inspiring and exciting people — where this really cute pic was snapped of me yesterday. Saturday recap here; more about sex in videogames tomorrow. Now I…