Meaning, I’m finally packed and soothing my nervousness and stress with cocktails and relationship chat. I was deeply hurt by a lover today — and am heading into tricky lover/evil ex-lover territory at SXSW (toxic boy will be there, yuck). So Jonathan Moore and I have been in my kitchen with inebriants over ice, making a definitive list of rules on how to get hurt. He blogged the rules of the How To Get Hurt Game while we chatted.
I am never, *ever* dating someone who keeps me a secret again. That’s my other new rule.
I leave at 7am, yikes! Re: nervous. I’m on a panel I totally don’t belong on — I’m the only non-monetizing person on an monetizing panel, so I’m filled with apprehension and morbid excitement about being the only person to question integrity and creativity vs. selling your content. What am I going to talk about when they talk about their great ad sales and sponsors? Why use indy media when you express yourself like MSM? Really, how they compromise and what they wear when they do it, of course.
Actually my only question is, how are you any different than MSM when you have corporate sponsors? A good question to explore. Why do indymedia if you’re looking for money? Not that indymedia and monetization are counter to each other, I’m just wondering how they’re different.
I’m looking forward to making more friends, or something.
I’m excited. Got a new video camera tonight, so look out.