Update 8/17/07: This post is not my resignation from SRL. It is a rant. I am still a member of SRL, despite the best efforts of rumormongers. /update I tried to write this five days ago. “we all need a giant photo of ourselves radio controlling the end of the world as it all burns…
Month: May 2007
At the gym, on the monitors they play CNN. Today CNN showed the video of the girl being stoned to death in Iraq. I really wish I hadn’t seen that. I mean, it needs to be seen, but a big NSFW or some kind of text warning would have kept me from almost passing out…
Lara Jade: Not a porn star, this week’s column
I’ve spent the past couple days working on my next book and my thursday column Lara Is Not A Porn Star: Or, How to make it in porn before you were even born. I actually called the people who used her (underage) image, and boy, taking to Texas Bob and learning “ALL WE KNOW” (which…
Celebrity boobs are *so* out to get you
David just emailed me The Celebrity Breast Conspiracy over at (friends) 10 Zen Monkeys, where they try to convince us that there’s a real celebri-boob media conspiracy that makes a whole huge post about celebrity boobies somehow super-justified. Like we care about such petty legitimacy concerns at Fleshbot. Tinfoil bra, anyone? “Public diplomacy” in Hollywood…
Best Women’s Neurotica
Arrrgh, there are too many HOT stories to choose among… That’s what I did until 5am last night (along with agonizing over tomorrow’s column) and my whole day/night today: making final selections on Best Women’s Erotica 2008. I have too many good stories. Too many. It’s interesting to see the themes this year; last year…
Sideshow Bob strikes again, and the desperate need for web-savvy pornographers (again)
Mired in column and book deadlines, and a massive upcoming post about Maker Faire, posts will be a bit sparse for a few days. First: * Readers will remember the Chronicle tech writer I got in an internet fight with after SXSW, who wrote about vlogging and called it “vcasts” among other great hits (and…
What the fuck is wrong with Russia?
There was a gay rights demonstration in Moscow yesterday — all they want is the right to have a Pride parade. Police watched as “neo-Nazis” (and religious people) beat the gay rights demonstrators, but then arrested *the victims*, allowing the people who beat them to go free. So, if they’re allowed to have a Pride…
Fetish dressing, the missing lecture

No, “fetish dressing” does not go on a rubber salad. It’s a lecture — a short talk, really — I give to SFSI students a couple times a year. I was supposed to do exactly this at 2:00 this afternoon when I got over to the Mission District, where the UCSF Annex is, and got…
My only question is…
… Did she leave boob prints on the piano? Free gallery here; the rest of the galleries they sent me are quite boring and full of girls that are creepy-skinny. Hegre used to be so much more exciting; I miss the early days of Luba. Well, I guess there’s always the old Attu Likes Luba…
Oh, Colbert
It’s his Wikiality: The Truthiness Encyclopedia (fyi, the HTML is a little rough around the edges). The best part so far is the Pastafarian entry, with it’s creepily-accurate-funny cults sidebar (via Sean’s cap on Flickr). Snip: Pastafarianism, the more common name for the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, is a religion whose followers, which…