Oh, Colbert

It’s his Wikiality: The Truthiness Encyclopedia (fyi, the HTML is a little rough around the edges). The best part so far is the Pastafarian entry, with it’s creepily-accurate-funny cults sidebar (via Sean’s cap on Flickr). Snip:

Pastafarianism, the more common name for the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, is a religion whose followers, which include liberals, communists and godless sodomites, believe that the Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe. He did not however create the universe, and midgets are not real.


And, of course, the snarktasmic entry on Sex is good to the last drop, snip:

GOP Approved Flavors of Sex:

* Man on dog
* Man on Child
* Man on Bear Corpse
* Man on shotgun/9mm hand gun
* Man on God
* Priest on Child
* Congressman on IM


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