Great machine demo this afternoon at Maker Faire. Except, um, for the part where they’ve impounded our machines. Update when I get it. Still, I had an outrageously good time operating the Running Machine. I sort of broke it, but the damage is repairable :) Meanwhile, Monochrom blogs from my couch; I don’t call it…
Month: May 2007
Woo yay! First place!
Great news as I get ready to conk out (tomorrow I staff the SRL booth at Maker Faire). My book Best Women’s Erotica 2007 won the Gold Medal — first place slot — for Best Erotica Book 2007 in the IPPY Awards! Second year I edited the series, second win in a row, and first…
My multimedia whereabouts :)
I’m working day and night loading and making (new!) machines with a very small crew as part of SRL for Maker Faire — I’m actually sitting on the SRL couch blogging this on a small break before putting the Hovercraft on the flatbed. I am photoblogging a lot; follow along on this page (or this…
Site Updates; My Porn For Women Recommendations In O (Oprah) Magazine

I decided to take the night off from SRL — I’ll be full-time through monday after this — and do some much-needed site updates. I added The Smart Girl’s Guide to the G-Spot to the sidebar; I know I don’t promo my own books much around here, but that one is about to come out…
Goodnight, hater
Black Sheep has some choice quotes to remember Falwell by (via Gawker). Also, Wonkette screencaps Falwell’s Wikipedia death update. Let’s also not forget, while Fox rolls out the barely-disguised tributes and Bush mourns his hero, and I regret that I did not yet get famous enough to have a chance to challenge Falwell on CNN…
I want to write a weekly column called “This Week In Sex Hysteria”. But right now I’m writing my Chron column instead (after breakfast with sweet and truly wonderful Viviane, a trip with her to SRL, and back home now emailing with HPV researchers). Until my next posty goodness, check out: * In bed with…
Prep for Maker Faire
Video of my weekend at the shop here. Embed after the jump. Starring SRL crew Mark Pauline, Jonathan Moore, Eddie Codel, Todd Blair, Liisa Pine, Amy Bean, Jeremy Moore, Kent Cates.
A good week in sex books (for me!)
Great news in my inbox upon return form SRL (where I found new appreciation for safety glasses today). Sweet Life 1 and 2 are both being translated into — Italian! So wonderful, especially since I named those books after La Dolce Vita, one of my all-time favorite movies. And I also found out this week…
Just in: I’m in the Click jury
It’s just been announced; I’ll be one of the judges for SXSW’s Click mobile media film festival. Click is in its fourth year, and it aims to be, “A year-round initiative created to showcase short-form storytelling via mobile devices and the web.” The post sez, “Among the jury who will be charged with watching the…
Nekkid happy girls in my inbox
I’m still on a couple of good artporn lists, but it’s been a while since anything has landed in my inbox worth sharing — and especially with the case of Hegre, last time I posted a few galleries I liked, I heard back from you that the models were TOO skinny, and I agreed. But…