Poolside mutimedia


* Wow — Scott Beale, friend and family, makes this amazing Laughing Squid post about this conference and my context in it. Thank you, Scott! Laughing Squid is at the top of my RSS pile these days, so it’s a hyooge honor.

* Send well wishes to Hacker Boy, who, after a harrowing night with food poisoning (and an emergency visit from a doctor) is now chilling poolside next to me sipping mineral water and nibbling crackers. I have never cared for someone so sick, or had someone lose consciousness in my care — very scary. We are both very tired.

* Some very cool and thoughtful people read my blog — extra smooches to JR, for extracting the audio from the Forbes Web Disrupters panel video, allowing me to make this Forbes Web Disrupters audio MP3 available. Thank you!

* I shot a quick, 2-minute video of a marketer’s presentation of why/how ad execs and marketers will want to penetrate social networks. It is explicit, nonconsensual power point abuse, and it’s on this show page. View it only if you are strong.

* More video — I just now shot this video on the beach about my experiences with the men here, called “waiter, there’s a fag in my soup“.

* Also, before getting sick, my sweet Hacker Boy shot this short underwater video of a cranky crab. Cute!

* Got an email from Mark excited (ahem, where are you) to get me back in the shop next week to get ready for our presence at the Maker Faire.

* Oh, and hateful mail about who I am and what I do (even when they’re wrong), never stops. As a bit of blogging therapy, after the jump I’ve posted the email I got this morning (update: as it turns out, from a “famous” white supremacist). Next, to hopefully get solid food into my still-sexy-when-sick Hacker Boy, and to get ready for the “formal resort wear” Forbes dinner party tonight.

* * * * * * *

This is what some people think of me. You can read the email, and decide what you think of them. I have.

Subject: Question on just how you have a column…
From: rob ransdell


It amazes me that Don Imus can get fired for comments that offended Blacks, comments that were the same type of things that Blacks utter in their rap ditties, comments that should have been protected by the 1st Amendment, but yet a woman who engages in sex on camera has a column in a large newspaper in which she talks about the type of things that a porn star would think and talk about. That is Free Speech, Jewish media boss style. Speech which offends the minorities the Jews have enpowered so that they can work to dilute the power of the White majority so the Jews can rule more effectively is banned but the First Amendment is held up as the reason to justify a person of your ilk having a newspaper column. Just like that filthy industry of yours, the “chosen minority” control the mass media of news and entertainment in America and until this control is broken the hypocrisy I have highlighted here will continue.

Robert Ransdell

Update: I’ve been informed that this dude is a very visible and active anti-Semite and white supremacist. Here is more info about him. Recent events should make this person’s willingness to act out their hate something not to take lightly.

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