Three books I’m diggin’ this weekend

verybloodymarys.jpg* The Very Bloody Marys by M. Christian

This is M. Christian at his best — back cover: “A gang of Vespa-riding vampires are killing San Franciscans so indiscriminately they threaten to not only drain the city dry — but risk the discovery of vampires everywhere. Gay vampire cop Valentino is called upon to stop the group calling themselves The Very Bloody Marys before the situation gets worse. (…)”

* Naked on the Internet by Audacia Ray

I begged to blog about this book before it came out because it’s just so amazing, complete and a true total examination of women and sex on the Internet — this book will most certainly change the cultural conversation about women’s sexuality online. A must-read for everyone interested in blogging, sex blogs, female sexuality and what all those girls are thinking when they peel it off and post it online.

* Kink by Saskia Walker and Sasha White

If you love the erotica in my podcasts but want a longer, more delicious read, this is for you. Listen to me read a sample of Saskia’s *hot* work in Open Source Sex #34. I’m a big fan of Walker and have published her erotica more than once.

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