Right before I went out last night, I saw the incredibly touching post about Todd by my close friend Thomas — thank you, Thomas. I walked toward Hayes Valley, and with the beginnings of a sore throat and feeling cut by the sharp, chill wind off Twin Peaks, I hailed a cab. I had a…
Month: September 2007
My complete Folsom (and kinky visitor’s) guide for this weekend

…is here.
S and M is *not* short for sex and murder: This week’s Chron column
(image via the stunning, delicious galleries of Sebastian Solo (via); this hardcore image was my second choice) This week’s Chron column is a day late (for obvious reasons) but it’s got some razor-sharp teeth — mostly taking the local rag SF Weekly to task for tarring BDSM with an ugly brush (right before Folsom, with…
Porn and tech conference : Arse Elektronika
(image via) Today at Fleshbot I blogged about the upcoming porn and technology conference here in SF, Arse Elektronika — read the post! (Yay, I’m back in action!) Pertinent details for Arse right now are: get tickets before they sell out, register as press *now* if you want to cover it (the press list is…
Quiet, please
I am in shock; explanation here. For the next few days I will miss your deadlines, and not return your emails. Todd is all I care about right now, and I’m now in phone contact with people who are there with him. Light a candle and hope with me. An SRL member — a close…
Oh, snap
And to think that some of us get flowers on our one-year anniversary with the MSM. Others are “parting company” with ABC I’m sure her future promises more “rule breaking” new media adventures. (ahem). /snap Speaking of getting spanked on my birthday (okay, I know that’s a stretch), but while I did not (yet), it…
The surprise
Image of Hacker Boy presenting me with cake by Lane Hartwell. Hacker Boy was very, very naughty. At the last minute, he turned what I thought was a quiet dinner at his house into an impromptu surprise party for me — I’ve never had one! It worked, I didn’t suspect a thing, and if you…
My happy Chronniversary
Flowers delivered today to celebrate my one year anniversary as the sex columnist for the SF Chronicle/SF Gate! Which coincides with my birthday, so I’m off to a great start for the weekend. The lady who brought them said, “They specifically said to make it look ‘goth’”. Hee! And — thank you for the overwhelming…
About.com on Tyra: Surprising, humiliating, embarrassing, derogatory, defamatory…
Cory Silverberg at About.com has quite a write-up about my experience with the Tyra Banks Show. And I am stunned, into silence, snip: (…) If you haven’t had any interaction with Violet Blue yet a recent video blog she posted offers a new reason to meet her (virtually at least) and confirms for me why…
Saturday is my birfday
I’ll be finally turning eighteen, so I can read my own blog. I have no plans, no family, no money and no shortage of very bad porn. I am not depressed, yet. I want to thank all of you — readers, listeners, viewers, emailers, lurkers and friends for another great year here in digital life…