Yay super-fun and exxxtra nerdalicious new GETV!

I’m so excited to see this one go up: Eddie and I took GETV (us) to the Computer History Museum for the 25th year anniversary celebration of the Commodore 64. Now, if that’s too nerdy, you’ll still want to watch it to see me interview Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and a couple of other serious heavy-hitters from the birth of gaming and the modern personal computing revolution. It’s funny and will have you all smiley-faced, I promise.

Here’s a shot of me hamming it up with Wozniak — I’ll bug Eddie to put the rest of the Woz interview up soon, because I asked him how he cheats at games — which he at first, denied… I’ll also bug Eddie to upload the extra footage of me goofing around with Bill Lowe (“father of the IBM PC”) and getting him to sing and dance one of the “songs of IBM“*.


* Total side note if you parse the lyrics in the IBM songbook: years ago, I used to date one of Jane Watson’s nephews. She was his “Aunt Jane”, but I just called her “Jane IBM”.

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