I have a lot of video: here’s a (unedited) teeny sample of what happened to me last night:

Click To Play
they see me, they show me the love. I haven’t been hugged and smooched so much in a long time; that’s what I get for leaving the house I guess. I missed them SO MUCH. I was shown a lot of love, and ended up on the floor being orally force-fed something that was supposed to be popcorn but was sweet-flavored, hurt my back being “fed” and slipping in water and butter and (fuids?), bashed my *totally fucking excellent survivor camera* Lumix on the concrete floor and had it (and me) sprayed with gawd knows what liquids, and then had a flag boy smile and spit out one of my earrings afterward.I don’t know exactly what happened to me. I seem to be home safe alone, save for a restless kitten. I’ll piece the videos together tomorrow for you; they’re fucking hot as hell. Meanwhile, view the whole set I shot with this guest pass:
A few faves after the jump… now bed? Fuck, I’m wired and… is it sunday already? Who wants to get a *late* brunch…
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