* It is now finally legal to sell vibrators and sex toys in Texas — due to the legal machine of Phil Harvey at Adam and Eve.
* Japanese Wii porn (hardcore video). *Now* I’ll learn tennis. (thanks, well-known mystery vlogger!)
* Dacia has this superlative post about the ethics behind people who post the writings of sex workers and their clients — and the (IMHO) fucked up comeback of — summed up in the woman’s post title — “So, Would It Be OK If I Fucked For Money?” Audacia Ray proved her mettle hitting back with “Jeez, I guess now we know a little better her attitude about sex workers – many of whom don’t fuck for money. I want to have as many voices chiming in as possible, but the whole idea of submitting stories to a blog without comments and without connection to sex worker communities… like I said, I think there are better places for those stories to be told.” The comments say it all — read it. There’s a whole different kind of sexploitation going on when the age-old stereotypes are used for consumption from a sex-negative space, and not from a true desire to understand and tell a story.
* Check out this Flickr porn experiment. Do the wives know? Yikes. Great post. (thanks, JL!)
* Speaking of: there are hot art photos in violetta225’s photostream (no relation).
* I did have a Valentine’s Day post on Fleshbot — it was chocolaty messy goodness.
* I think the GAYVN’s are having major growing pains. I mean, cash bar and 1.5 minutes of Derek and Romaine!? And the announcer screwed up the name(s) of the winner for “Best Bisexual Film” so bad no one knew who won, so no one took the stage to accept. I here by decree we have a LBT (sans G) awards show instead. How hot would that be — nummy lesbians and hot trannies a go-go…
* Everything about “Sexina: Pornstar P.I.” scares the living hell out of me, from Adam West (OG Batman) to Davey Jones (OG Monkee). Yup, you read that right. Do I dare venture to the SF Film Fest for it? Uhhh… (via, + article)
* According to my sources, Eros Zine will be suspending publication as of their February 19, 2008 issue. Wow.
* Best quote of the day: “Why the HELL aren’t porn performers in the Screen Actors’ Guild!?”
* Best answer: “The acronym.”