Year: 2009

A great moment for literacy in America: Naked Girls Reading

As a writer and editor, there are many recent and current cultural forces I appreciate for making people read more, for the benefit of all. We all give it up for libraries (virtual and actual) and their necessary fantasy counterparts sexy librarians. Oprah’s book club got housewives reading apocalyptic Cormac McCarthy novels — I never…

A number of blogs are (lightly, frighteningly) covering the upcoming release of German metal band Rammstein‘s deluxe box set for their new, er, releases. You’ll remember when I recently posted their new music video “Pussy” which is not just the most graphic music video I’ve ever seen, but also truly hilarious in both lyrics, emphasis…

UPDATE 10.21.09: This image (and others in this post) were originally posted by cocakl with this Creative Commons license. Cockai has been emailed asking why they are no longer viewable. /UPDATE Apparently female strippers and lap dancers entertained the presumably (presumptively) male, straight attendees of Taiwan’s Yahoo Open Hack Day ( Wups! Which is all…

Our local, yet internationally renowned, sex-positive BDSM powerhouse Kink today launched a project that they’ve been (ahem) slaving away on for a while now: 3D Kink. An online, community-run massive multiplayer online role-playing game, 3D Kink is a world where members can do and be pretty much anything they want. Think “Second Life sex” yet…