The above image is a great example of photographer Fox Harvard‘s gorgeous work, though many of the images are quite explicit: here’s a direct link to the main gallery. Enjoy! He also has a Tumblr (irregularly updated?) and there’s more about him here at High on Sex.
Month: August 2010
Text Phone Sex Services: Extreme Operator Logs
If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of text sex services, essentially they are like phone sex services. Clients see ads about having hot texts with beautiful horny girls, they sign up and are charged per text message, and their texts are answered by whoever is working the switchboard at that time. More precisely, texts (like…
Quick Nibbles: WoW Sex Crackdown, Hilary Swank, Human Centipede XXX, Erotic Writing Guide

A few quick items to keep you up to speed as we head into the weekend… * World of Warcraft gamers who were hooking up while in-world are going to have to make new plans: Blizzard Cracks Down Erotic Role-Playing in WoW. ( * I didn’t recognize Hilary Swank in this new latex-y pin-up shoot,…
Art by Robert McGinnis and Brano Hlavac
One of the main things people notice when they visit my apartment here in San Francisco is my gigantic book collection (bookcases overflowing), and that my walls are covered in erotic art (and vintage magic posters). My tastes in erotic art really got refined when I did coolhunting for Fleshbot, and that’s when I started…
Do Not Miss, Trailer: Bianca Beauchamp, Sexy Latex Supervillian

This has to be the sexiest supervillian(ess) video I’ve ever seen. In it, Bianca Beauchamp shows us exactly how an evil female supervillian gets dressed and and ready to wreak delicious badness on hero-types. The video is a promo for web series Heroes of the North (by Movie Seals Productions and Polymorphe), though I’m not…
Trailer: Sucker Punch

I watched the trailer for Sucker Punch right when it hit the internets, and people keep sending it to me — it’s not about sex but it’s pretty sexy, so I see why. Especially because it’s about pretty girls who kick ass with swords and machine guns. I can’t wait to see it!
We Won! Prop 8 “Unconstitutional”
It’s official: Prop 8 has been struck down as unconstitutional ( I know it’s already going to be appealed by the Mormons and the h8ters and the same asshats who want porn made illegal, but hey — WE WON TODAY!!!! (The ruling has a 2-day stay.) I’m about to head down to the Castro to…
Techyum Is Back With A Vengeance
Many of you will remember when I launched the tech blog Techyum a few years ago; it ran like a dream until a server issue put it on hiatus. As of this week, we’re back and feature the blogging talents of Thomas Roche, dotBen and myself, along with upcoming mystery guest bloggers. Stop by and…
Wednesday Nibbles: One Night Stands, Why Celebs Make Porn, April Flores Kicked Off Facebook
* It’s a new month (already!) and Jiz Lee is raising money for the Femina Potens art gallery! Please consider contributing to a very important place for feminist porn, art and culture. You really have no idea how much Femina gives back to, and helps out the communities that intersect under this banner. (image via,…
Pretty Girls (And A Couple Guys) For Humpday
That’s MetModel’s pic of the day (above), which is different than Met Art. If you’re not familiar with the term “humpday” it’s a reference to Wednesday being the middle of the week, like the hump on a camel’s back. Humping, of course, is also white trash for frottage. So in a way, every day is…