For complete geeks, 10.10.10 is the “day of pr0n” — XXX. For this, more free pr0ns I’ve been ogling lately can be found at this weekend’s distraction, The Teacher’s Assistant. Not geeky, but very well curated and quite explicit, lots of flavors. Go. Look. See also, pretty girls: Iveta, Natalia, Suzan, and Abagail with Mia.…
Month: October 2010
Happy 101010! Ubuntu pr0n
It’s 10.10.10 and Ubuntu 10.10 is out — here are some sweet Ubuntu porn posts on an (appropriately) geeky sex blog. Enjoy!
Open Question: What Does “Sex Positive” Mean to You?
It wasn’t the intention, but it was the outcome. Now we know for certain that “sex positive” is illegal (and offensive/obscene) in Libya. It is also apparently a criminal thing (be it noun, verb or adjective). Even in the Libyans’ response, it’s clear they don’t understand what sex-positive means. They seem to think it means…
Friday Night Nibbles: For Those Who Prefer Their Links Lengthened
* Who needs a link shortener? Okay, I’m sick of it now, too… High on the success of their bras promising to make women’s breasts two sizes larger, UK department store retailer Marks and Spencer is doing the same thing for men, ostensibly to give the impression that they have longer linkage than the next…
Beautiful: Tiiu Kuik by Daemian Smith and Christine Suarez
First there was the lusciously sexy fashion shoot Tiiu Kuik by Daemian Smith and Christine Suarez — just gorgeous. They followed it up with the mesmerizing and highly erotic video above. Note that the pacing is not typical, and some of you will find it slow, while others may liken it to the pacing of…
I, For One, Welcome Our New TLD Overlords With Bare Arms
First, let me tell you that there were a LOT of racist and scary comments that I did *not* approve today. I almost approved the one that just said “I drink wee!” but then I came back. Sometimes it’s the little things. …and The Webbie for Best Short Summary Of A Shitstorm goes to PCMag…
Official: Link Shortener Seized by Libyan Government

This is also posted on Techyum if you want a work-safe link. Also read this chilling post about what happened with in The .ly domain space to be considered unsafe ( It’s official: the Libyan government has seized This was done with no warning. Despite the fact that was a one-page link-shortening…
[Audio] Open Source Sex 78: Realtor Erotica
![[Audio] Open Source Sex 78: Realtor Erotica](
Yes, you read that correctly. Right now I’m in bed fighting a cold with a horrid sore throat — but you’ll be pleased to know that before I lost my voice, I recorded a new podcast! In Open Source Sex 78, I read Carl Kennedy’s edgy “Selling Point” which is actually a pretty unusually kinky…
Monday Nibbles: Sex Science Special

* The study everyone’s talking about today comes from the Journal of Sexual Medicine, and it is utterly compelling. Corey Silverberg gives us the juiciest highlights in Largest Survey of American Sexual Behaviors Offers Snapshot of 21st Century American Sex. Read it. ( * There’s a lot of talk about the study in regard to…
Jacques Magazine: Hipsters Make Porn

Now don’t let my sass diminish the final product here: Jacques Magazine is a sexy little retro (Playboy circa 1970) pin-up mag that’s well worth a look. I’m just a San Francisco girl having a really difficult time getting past the crunchy hipster outer shell and into the well-done retro softcore. I am watching the…