I’ve been thinking about what my next bike might be for a while; I keep coming back to Ducati. Beyond my reach right now, but still. So in email conversation, to make matters worse, a friend sends me the website for photographer Elizabeth Raab. Achingly stylish, totally beautiful; there are a few more sexy moto…
Year: 2010
Did You Know? Abby Winters Broke Up With Australia

Abby Winters is probably the widest-known Australian porn company; I’ve long loved I Feel Myself and Girls Out West: but they all they typify the non-porn-star, natural beauty and sex-postive, non-exploitative ethic that personifies how Aussie porn is seen by the rest of the world. Authentic amateurs, happy to be making porn because they find…
Relax, Everyone: It’s Just Porn
I’m sitting here feeling genuinely irritated that Newsweek isn’t allowing comments on their book review of “Pornland” even though they are making it seem like they are. They do that bullshit cookie thing that makes you think your comment was accepted, so lame, so typical. I registered and left a really nice, balanced comment. But…
New OkTrends Post: The Biggest Lies In Dating and Sexual Presentation
Getting hot sex, romance, keeping sex hot, making love work: even if we believe honesty is the “best policy” I’ve noticed that it seems like we seldom practice what we preach. It’s usually with good intent, but still… I’ve been giving a lot of thought as to why people feel they need to lie, both…
TLC’s “Strange Sex” Series Starts This Weekend

This goes on the growing list of things I want to see: on this Sunday July 18, TLC (cable channel here in the US) begins airing its six-part series called “Strange Sex.” Naturally I wonder what’s ended up in this category with slight trepidation that certain sexual activities falling outside the norm might get stigmatized.…
Film I Want To See: Orgasm Inc.
Posted on my Facebook Page by reader D.D., Orgasm Inc. [trailer above] is a film I really want to see. It has familiar faces in it such as Dr. Stuart Meloy (a topic of a few of my talks and a subject in my future sex Chronicle column) and friend Dr. Carol Queen. Orgasm Inc.…
Wake Up Call: John Stagliano’s Obscenity Trial Will Affect Us All
UPDATE Friday July 16: All charges against John Stagliano have been dropped on a technicality. “‘I hope the government will learn a lesson from its experience,’ [U.S. District Court Judge Richard J.] Leon said in a rebuke. He cited a string of “difficult, challenging and novel questions” raised in the case concerning decades-old federal obscenity…
[Videos] Armand Van Helden: Hear My Name and Shake That Ass
The music isn’t my favorite but after seeing Armand Van Helden’s video for Hear My Name on The Sex Carnival, I’m a fan regardless. Taking tea in a luxe mansion and doling out spankings all day long does not look like such a bad pastime… I also have no problems whatsoever with their video for…
The Savage Love iPhone App (Is Made of WIN)
Now this is the kind of joy and delight the iPhone was made for: I’m pleased to tell you about the Savage Love iPhone App (fresh as of July 9)! Yay Dan Savage! I mean, who hasn’t wanted Dan in their purse? At their fingertips with sage advice about adult babies, Santorums, pegging and whimsy…
Pretty Intermission: Anna and Alena
The models are awfully skinny for my personal tastes, but I love the Andrew Blake vibe in this Met Art set. You know I’m all into that fashion porn these days.