Image via Photography Paradiso. I didn’t think this article was going to be interesting, and then I was fixated once I got into the salacious details — it’s almost certain that everything we thought about Victorian-era women being cold, sexless prudes was absolutely untrue. In fact, according to research that has just been revealed in…
Year: 2010
The B in LGBT also stands for Anna
Today, news hit that True Blood star Anna Paquin has come out as a bisexual, causing all of our girly hearts (and other parts) to flutter with delight — in addition to making a nice, pointed statement about coming out as bisexual. That it matters. In a new PSA for the GIve A Damn campaign,…
Dammit: Five more years of harmful abstinence education
Photo by the wonderful Urbanphotography Chris LeBlanc. I am NOT happy about this. Rinse, repeat, repeat (iTunes link). Looks like I’ll be talking to paranoid and potentially infected teens on the crisis lines (and via email) for the forseeable future. On CNN: (CNN) — The health care reform legislation that President Obama signed recently isn’t…
Chris Pirillo asks, who is Violet Blue?
In Austin at SXSW a few weeks ago, adorable uber-geek and thirty-year-old virgin Chris Pirillo invaded my morning hangover haze to do what turned out to be a really fantastic interview in Who Is Violet Blue? His writeup about me is so flattering, I’m doing the equivalent of a 24-48-hour blush session. Chris is hilarious,…
Deconstructing Christina Aguilera’s sex accessories
For the past month, Christina Aguilera has been slowly trickling out artwork and teaser hints about her next album, Bionic. In the few images we’ve seen, she’s in some serious fetish gear; one image has her in a black latex vintage-style girdle. Which, by the way, is certainly custom-made because it isn’t easy to find…
New dating site Alikewise matches book nerds
Image by FML Photography. Alikewise just launched a little over a week ago (so it’s pretty sparses right now), but it’s the first dating site to match people based on their favorite books. Okay, not the very first — Borders UK tried this back in mid-2009 with Happily Ever After — yet that was from…
A biology nerd studies Spring Break
Self-portrait by the amazing Katie West. The transhumanists are at it again: over on h+ Magazine, they caught wind of the nerds + sex virus we’ve got over here at TinyNibbles and just posted The Geek’s Guide To Getting Girls: A Biology Nerd Studies Spring Break. Sadly it’s not really a guide, but it is…
Resin figurines by LW Studio
I have a friend, a very kinky girl who happens to work at (typically in The Upper Floor), who is going to be the first person I send this link to the minute I hit publish. That’s my way of saying that the hand painted resin figurines by LW Studio are not for everyone,…
Sunday nibbles
Image from the women-run Australian site I Feel Myself; more after the jump. * This is my 3000th post! Cheers! Thank you for being here with me! * In what is one of the most fascinating, taboo and surprising articles I’ve ever read, Scientific American looks at data which suggests that people who have sex…
Condomania Releases Data on American Penis Size
Okay, there really wasn’t a title I could come up with for this post that would be both factual and *not* a double-entendre. Respected safer-sex advocates and cornerstone condom retailer Condomania just released penis size data they’ve collected from their sales database. Size and general location of over 27,000 men have been collated and presented…