Year: 2013

Gawker was wrong: no, it is not legal to walk around Sweden masturbating in public. But Gawker likely got their info from the Daily Mail, which cited a mistranslation as evidence to prove that, from now on, it will be totally fine to wander the streets of Sweden masturbating. Great job, Daily Fail. You Can’t…

A Kiev-based agency has developed iron weights shaped like breasts. It’s a real product. Breast Weights: A Bro-tastic New Standard In Agency IP (Fastco Create) Russia’s Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare has blocked and added it into the Registry of Forbidden Sites. The site recently published two ebooks…

A federal court in Wisconsin has sanctioned a lawyer for adult film producer Malibu Media (also known as X-Art) for filing lists of “disturbing lewd, unusual and unredacted titles of pornographic films allegedly also downloaded by the defendant” but not produced by Malibu, in eleven lawsuits. Judge William Conley said that the list “appears calculated…

So after seven years, two public censorship battles, 11,308 photos and 6,724,739 views, @Flickr wants to wipe me off their service – again. — violet blue ® (@violetblue) September 14, 2013 Remember the first time? Forbes: Flickr Censors Violet Blue (2007) Below is the email I got from Flickr, and below that is my response…