Sex News: Starbucks wifi censorship, Mötley Crüe vibrators, Thailand vs. sex work

So basically, a whole lot of people (including me) now won’t be able to work in a Starbucks because of a right-wing Christian anti-porn organization that is known for making false statements, in partnership with the right-wing Christian anti-porn group formerly known as Morality in Media. Censorship is taking over. “Starbucks said Friday it would…

Sex News: Pokémon Go dick pics, public wifi censorship spreads, RNC’s anti-sex madness goes nuclear

“Led by some of the nation’s most anti-gay politicians and even the head of an anti-gay hate group, Republicans late Tuesday voted on and passed the final draft of the GOP 2016 platform. … “Opposition to marriage equality, nonsense about bathrooms, an endorsement of the debunked psychological practice of “pray the gay away” — it’s…

Photos by Luo Yang: ‘GIRLS’ in present-day China

Just found on Feature Shoot, and not to be missed: Intimate and defiant portraits of ‘GIRLS’ in present-day China. Snip: Described as one of the “rising stars of Chinese photography” by Ai Wewei in 2012, Beijing-based Luo Yang is gaining international recognition for her candid photographs of women in contemporary China. GIRLS began in 2007…

Sex News: Pokébutt Go, GOP’s new war on porn, leaked docs explode German sex assault numbers, ancient Apple erotic game discovered

“Republicans are taking a cue from Utah in drafting their official party platform. An amendment to the platform, which will come up for a vote Monday or Tuesday, cracks down on the porn industry. It was proposed by Mary Forrester, a delegate from North Carolina who told Yahoo! News that she worked on it with…

Incredible, powerful photos by Roseography

I found the work of Atlanta-based photographer Roseography early this week and waited until Friday for a proper post on this artist’s stunning body of work. Afropunk tells us about Roseography saying, Roseography describes himself as a visual composer; a particularly apt description for the majorly talented Atlanta-based photographer. The thing about Roseography is that…