The third installment of my Geek Entertainment TV interviews is up and running: here, I’ve taken the mic and subjected Allen Stein, creator of The Thrillhammer to a short but brutal interview (his machine was the one I ran for my teledildonics lecture and demonstration for Dorkbot). Teledildonicist Allen Stein nails it with his Thrillhammer…
From Iraq, with love
Even though — once again — I’m *not* in the iTunes directory, I’m getting amazing email from firemen in the Carolinas, listeners in Mauritius, parole officers in Virginia, sassy women in Quebec, couples in Germany, and soldiers in Iraq. Now I understand why my stats are all screwed up — I think iTunes has been…
Monday flooding
Referring to my inbox, and San Francisco (not to mention Napa and every town near a Northern California river right now). It’s *still* raining. Trees falling on cars by my house; my back fence came down during the night. It rained all day yesterday, too, but that was fine because I was hung over and…
MIA from iTunes
I’m getting a lot of emails like this tonight: “Hi Violet, I really enjoyed your “quickie” and when I saw you also had OSS26 I went to itunes but could not find it there. (…) I tried to search on “sex” and “open source” in the itunes podcasts but could not find ANY of your…
Naked New Year podcast
Wait — I’m not naked. Not yet anyway. But listen, and get inspired before the ball drops! text: Last quickie of 2005! A special story just for tonight: “Naked New Year” by Dante Davidson — including hot public sex in the cool night air, delicious oral sex and an unusual spanking technique. Happy New Year…
Quickie podcast
The first of many quickies. A little giggly, but that’s how we geek girl shut-ins get… Text: The first quickie! One red-hot short story, on request: “Whose Panties” by Alison Tyler. A bite-sized nibble of erotica including a taste of rimming and panty subterfuge. Yum! Open Source Sex 25 (MP3)
Books I loved this year
I read a lot of sex books, but when I want to depornosaturate my brain, I read a lot of non-sex books. Though I’ll admit that for a book to be exciting to me, there needs to be some sort of sexual, criminal or horror component; a book without these things is like food without…
I’m good with a whip, too
Cat’s coming out of the bag: Jackson points out to me that if you read today’s San Francisco Examiner, you’ll see this in P.J. Corkery’s column: “, that daily gallimaufry of things San Francisco, showed that San Francisco hospitality isn’t just an old-school drill – by jamming ’em in jolly down at Otis, the Otis…
10 minutes on a website
From SRL cohorts, this, leading to: Tortura. Listen to the sexy MP3 — whipping put to jazz was never so sexy! Even stranger, “sound effects of US Air Force firepower“, “Instant Insanity Drugs” (too late for some of us), “Suicide Prevention” (opposite effect), and the NSFW album cover of all time, “The Sensuous Black Woman…
Meta, with rotating pleasure beads
I’m pinching myself all over: I’m one of the Wired News “2005’s Sexiest Geeks“! Eeeeee! With their list and my list (and all the runners-up), it means that geeks will only become sexier as a species from this point on as demand for brains and sexiness increases. We will be hunted and much prized for…