I’m pinching myself, I’m in the San Francisco Chronicle (print and web), in an article about… sex podcasting! “Hot, steamy and now downloadable: Aural sex shimmies into the podcast as ‘podnography’ trend takes off” I’m totally freaking out about this line: “The Bay Area’s Violet Blue, according to Gray Dancer, is ‘the goddess of sex…
If you’re wondering where I’ve been, I’m busy blogging at Fleshbot this week — ten posts a day, so it’s like spending all day looking at porn and sex culture with me! Here are a few highlights: Orgasm Alley (nice sex machines) Morning Wood: Stewie’s Sexy Party Wet Spots: Dan Savage and the horse-fucker (or…
iTunes, Sex, Podcasting and America’s Sexual Shadow
Well, *that* was the worst flu I’ve had since I was a child. A few interesting tips: AlkaSeltzer Plus Nightime followed by a beer will make you hallucinate. Robitussen expectorant, later followed by Campari and soda (lemon twist), is not to be trivialized. Needless to say, despite my ill-advised experiments with cold medicine and nightcaps,…
Headcold Blues
This is the worst summer cold, ever. But here’s a bright side: I talk about Open Source Sex on BBC Radio (about 40 minues in). I recorded the questions amd answers in New York on Saturday night into Garageband on my laptop, converted and emailed the files to BBC, and went out for the night!…
Once more, with fever
I’m back in SF, less twelve gallons of sweat and with an amazing fever — I sweat off the water dancing, and caught whatever evil cold the band was passing around. I’m sure the weather transition and all the air conditioning didn’t help… While I reboot and clear my cache, enjoy the following albums: New…
Fun in New York
Derek and Romaine yesterday; BBC today, wow. I am misquoted here. Molested by Tanya, the flag girl in my Marching Band story: check (it was sexy, she whipped and spanked me with a red rose). David Byrne at the show: check. (he saw the whole molestation!) A proper blog entry (with photos and video) is…
My Disturbing Podcast And More!
I’m in More Sexy Podcasts at Odeo.com! I’m #3 in iTunes podcasts, and Softpedia (not the Wall Street Journal) calls my podcast, Open Source Sex, “the podcast that disturbs the most”. Who is Softpeida? I just did another interview about this whole thing. I have to go get on a plane now. Yay!
New Podcast: Open Source Sex 15
It’s almost like furniture porn, but actually it’s Antiques Roadshow smut by Dante Davidson, and my thoughts on all the sex and podcasting hoo-hah: Open Source Sex 15 (MP3). I said “hoo-hah”. Heh. Okay, right now I need to pack for my trip to New York tomorrow to meet up with the Extra Action Marching…
Newsweek interview!
Podcasting: Talking Dirty on Your iPod Quote: “You don’t need big breasts or big advertisers,” says Violet Blue, the host of “Open Source Sex.” “It’s the ultimate democratic tool for sex education.” Hells, yeah! I actually said that. Okay, and here’s the thing: I’m #9 in podcasts in iTunes (and totally freaking out about it),…
Odeo.com interview podcast
Odeo.com is the rockin’ podcast resource (and what a gorgeous site — that makes all the difference in the world to me); I had the pleasure of being interviewed at their offices last wednesday for their podcast. Next week I’ll be doing a brand-new sexy podcast roundup on their site, and I’ll be featuring some…