Update: the episode is up in iTunes and here is the direct episode link to launch iTunes and get your iPod suitably lubricated with the very first sextextcast! I did it — a textcast! I think I might be the second podcast empire to do this; Slate did it in May and I wanted to…
Someone get these motherfucking snakes off this motherfucking sex blog
Snakes on a Plane opens today (friday) — I shall now brag that I am going to a private screening in a rented movie theater with an open bar to see it. w00t! I have no date for this event — I have a date with the motherfucking snakes! I will take photos until alcohol…
Squeeze that mouse: Kewl stuff to read
I think I missed a week of online sex reads — no matter, as Boing Boing had my back (door) covered. And no, they’re not *all* authored by futuristic sexbot-of-my-dreams Xeni Jardin. A wrapup of essential Boing Boing sex posts: * What’s nice about doing this recap was that I got to see all the…
Richard Kern is still having fun
His new galleries at New Nude City look great. Don’t buy anything, but dig my free access to these mini galleries: goth girl, stockings, panties. I still love New York Girls, but after that he had (what I felt was) a boring lull, and now he’s getting interesting again. A bit, anyway.
Big praise for my new book!
In an email from Ernest Greene and Nina Hartley, about The Smart Girl’s Guide to Porn: “First, Nina and I both want you to know how much we enjoyed TSGGTP. We’re recommending it like mad to everybody. It’s amazing how little otherwise smart people, male or female, actually know about porn and how to find…
Take off your clothes and throw Barbie on the bonfire
Sick of crappy porn? Me too. If I have to sit through another body-by-Barbie production where the chicks’ boobs look like those Alien face-huggers about to burst out and kill me, going through the same old boring sex positions and jackass sex acts, I’m going to drive the V1 to Silicone Valley and reduce it…
Girlfuck is teh cuteness
A hot girl sent me this link to GirlFuck, an awesome online comic howto on good, old-fashioned girl-girl fucking. I love “Can girls have sex without men? But without a penis, how is it possible?” How, indeed… Unrelated: I just noticed that my pals at Adult DVD Talk are podcasting porn star interviews. I don’t…
[Video] Sock puppet porn
Dear me, in that last post I forgot “delivery man”. I’ll make up for it with this hilarious sock puppet porn video, not new, but very funny. Embedded after the jump.
HowTo: Pay for a pizza (not)
My pal Thomas writes me, > Never having had sex with men, I need to ask something. > Do men having sex really do that thing where they say “Ooooh, yeah” — hissing intake of breath — “Oooh, yeah” — hissing intake of breath — “Ooooh, yeah” — hissing intake of breath….? > Or is…
Re-entry, reluctantly
The show was a success, in every way, even though things failed in all the wonderfully unexpected ways that things do. We almost got shut down by the fire department at the last minute — but we didn’t. Many machines died in rapid succession during the show — but they looked great as they expired…