Hot femme top stuff, snip from the post: A quickie: explicit female domination that centers around a Goth punk girl, her macho boyfriend, and a sexymean pair of pointy black high heels. I’m excited that my friend and colleage Rachel Kramer Bussel permitted me to read her story Spike from my book Best Women’s Erotica…
Great mail and a sunburn
I took 11 photos today, starting here. I got a hell of a sunburn and drilled, drilled, drilled more holes. My email from readers has been incredible over the past week; if you want to read a few that have stopped me in my tracks, click to expand the post.
Day of the drill press
I drilled 480 holes today (120 parts @ 2 holes each + pilot holes) at SRL today. (I mean friday; just noticed it’s 2:30am.) My hands ache and are swollen right now. But I got to work on my favorite drill press all day and got a lot of thinking done. Got (another) offer from…
And then she whipped it out
At least, that’s what I did in a booty-shakin’ sex/fetish/tech way in Mark Morford’s SFGate/SF Chronicle column today, Ain’t No Cure For Gizmo Lust — Tech fetishism: Either drool and swoon and try to keep up, or throw up your hands and sigh. YAY!
The Uranus Experiment
It is my duty to inform you that porn has indeed gone into the final frontier — a reader tells me that The Uranus Experiment #2 (1999) features “the first ejaculation in zero gravity”. Made by European porn company Private, “The scene was filmed by flying an airplane to an altitude of 11,000 feet. The…
HowTo: Sex in space
All the sex in space (and zero gravity) chat is very titillating; everywhere in the articles and blog posts are hints at what we all want to know about the most — the *actual* sex. We’ll never get an explicit taste of space sex from these outlets of conjecture. Not to mention that sex in…
Raising my robot army
I forgot about this photo that Eddie took of me! (Original on Flickr is here.) My day at SRL starts here.
All you ever think about is text
Lazy sunday readings: * Congress targets deceptive ‘sex’ sites — don’t know how this could be prosecutable, but it looks like using “furby” in your URL/name could have you up on federal charges. Snip: “Anyone who includes misleading words or images intended to confuse a minor into viewing a possibly harmful Web site could be…
Welding in 100+ degree heat sucks
Three photos from my day yesterday at SRL begin here; today’s pics begin here, all with narrative. I just want to sink into a bathtub full of ice cubes, drink a beer, and have someone kiss my bruises. I have the beer, anyway.
It must have been after 2am when I climbed off the parked car outside BOCA last night because they were telling us — and everyone — to get out. A guy came up to me and said, “Are you Violet Blue?” I think I smilled and nodded sheepishly. He said, “I thought so! You were…