I’m back! I took a blogging break — got tangled up in a delicious boy, then took a spontaneous trip to LA to visit a friend I hadn’t connected with in a long time. I happened to be there on the day that Mark Frauenfelder was having a welcome back to the U.S. brunch for…
The first SRL machine
Spent the whole day at SRL sorting through image files for a media outlet that wants hi-res images of four machines to make drawings of the machines — which meant I spent hours and hours going through image files of 25 years of shows, few labeled. It was nice to spend the day on Mark’s…
[Audio] Open Source Sex 41
Did a midnight podcast last night, snip from post: “I’m thrilled — thrilled! — about the arrival of my newest book, The Smart Girl’s Guide to Porn! Tonight I thought it would be fun to read the introduction to the book, where I explain how I got to be a professional female porn reviewer and…
A long day of meetings
First, a meeting at the SRL shop (sharpie tats inspired by this). Then a long meeting with my dear friends from Gay Porn Blog, Gay Sex Blog and Naked Sword (among other tasty gay porn sites) about the Temptation Awards at the end of the month…. phew, tired.
Superhot trailer for Superfreak
In my podcast Open Source Sex #38 I interviewed indy porn director Shine Louise Houston about her incredible film The Crash Pad and she told me about her next project, Superfreak. And damn, she’s fast — both the trailer and still gallery for Superfreak are now live. Watch the trailer. *Try* not to lick your…
The Smart Girl’s Guide to Porn is here!!!!
I’m soooo excited! I was on my way out the door to SRL when I got a box — the first copies, hot off the press, of my new book The Smart Girl’s Guide to Porn! OMG, it’s gorgeous! I ran right to SRL and gave one to Mark and we hugged and exclaimed and…
Alex has a fan club
Alex, my kitten who had the thorn stuck in his eye, is still getting mail — but he only reads it when he’s high on catnip, so apologies if we haven’t gotten back to everyone. Thank you! Alex had his surgery, became cone-head the barbarian, and had another checkup, all leaving him with a teeny…
It takes a village to raise a child
I’ve been silently fuming about something that happened last weekend, and have finally reached the apex of thought and consideration to put a post together. At the SRL party I finally got a chance to catch up with my pal Scott Beale since his trip to Seattle’s Gnomedex 6.0, where he shot lots of his…
A smooch for Bangers & Mash
No, not the food — the mashup chef toiling over hot beats down in Australia! I’ve been a huge fan of B&M for a while now, chasing down his links and downloads as they travel around various mashup community sites and then expire/disappear. You can find a lot of really cool songs (including the music…
[Video] SRL home movies
I uploaded three great videos I shot at the SRL party yesterday, and now have them all up on Blip.tv. Dumb explosions, amazing V1 footage, the Inchworm in action. “SRL home movies” is going to be a regular series as the upcoming show approaches. You can keep up by checking my video blog, where I…