Remember a while back when I got to show some exclusives from Alan Moore’s new erotic graphic novel (collection) Lost Girls? If you follow Boing Boing, you’ll have seen that this week the estate of Peter Pan is none too pleased with what the adult Wendy gets up to in the book. Read Alan Moore’s…

This is sooo cool: now you can subscribe to my posts on Fleshbot and SF Metblogs! I’ll add the feeds to my template here in a bit, but right now you can subscribe to my Fleshbot posts with this: And my Metblogs posts with this:

No, I’m not talking about Belladonna and her anal tributes to major league baseball. I was going to put this particularly juicy find on Fleshbot, but I saw that Gram already reviewed the DVD. However, with all due respek, the only way to do The Princess Has Come of Age any justice in explaining it…

Six minutes of robot-smashing action, interspersed with my interviews with the bots’ creators and drivers — most especially cool, I interviewed one of the *only* women in the bot pits, and we talked about her fast and furious machine, Pipe Wench. Very fun! Also — keep in mind that I knew all along what a…

Last year my pals in Seattle at The Stranger came up with a great idea: an amateur indy porn film fest and competition, called HUMP! I was invited to go but couldn’t make it — which was probably good because it turned out to be a sold-out event. They’re now taking submissions for this year’s…

I think Thomas beat me at fight club this month. Today I edited five chapters line by line (because an editor *mangled* my manuscript and inserted crazy-wrong pronoun chaos and sex-negative judgements into the text) and just finished a 4K word chapter. And I lost a week, last week, obviously. But Thomas. He’s a beeeyyayayayayatch.…

I’m fascinated with the way obscenity is monitored in other cultures, most especially countries like India, with their huge entertainment industry and (our) outsourced workforce. I’ve often spent fruitless hours trying to find Indian porn for Fleshbot, or Indian women for the times I’ve done Best of Babelogs posts. I seldom find anything credible, free…

My world folded in on itself for a bit; thanks for staying with me. Miss Jessi has thrown down the gauntlet: last year we won a kissing contest at Pride and she called me an hour ago, “What are you doing and what are you wearing?” Me: “I’m in my pajamas staring out the window…

Sunday update: It has been so strange in so many ways. I think the most odd feeling was to meet people she loved and who loved her who I did not know at all, and have them say, “She talked about you a lot.” It was also strange to have a number of people find…