As many readers know, last friday I was on a panel at the Sex in Video Games conference, which was held here in SF — and I’ve alluded to residual crankiness about the experience in a recent post, so now I’ll give you my play-by-play. Sex in Video Games sounded like it would be a…
Bagina bagina bagina
Jump down, turn around and pick a bale of vagina: our sibling Gawker hands Eve Ensler her vagina on a bloggy plate in the hilarious must-read post Eve Ensler: Again With The Vaginas. I would at this very moment, if I could, lean over and kiss my PUSSY in eternal thanks that I will never…
Where my head is
One of the things I have to do today/tonight is write the intro for Best Women’s Erotica 2007. So I just re-read the intro to BWE 2006, and now I’m all fired up. What’s funny is that in the intro I talk about cupcakes and warm frosting and the spaces in between kisses, and last…
Rebel girls video
I’m under a pile of work and will crawl out soon — in the meantime you *have* to watch my friend Chriso‘s kick-ass video, Rebel Girls! Embed after the jump.
Weekend of the cons
I started my weekend speaking at the Sex In Video Games convention (which was *far* from fun) and enjoyed myself beyond measure at Vloggercon 2006, meeting dozens of new, inspiring and exciting people — where this really cute pic was snapped of me yesterday. Saturday recap here; more about sex in videogames tomorrow. Now I…
Fight club
Wish I could tell you what this was about, but (obviously) I can’t. Gallery is here. Favorites after the jump, and an update from another camera to come. I should look interesting for tomorrow’s conference. * “To be at Fight Club even Brad had to crack a tooth.*”
The Violet Blue nonrealdoll!
Eeeheehee! Tiny Nibbles reader Cathy emailed me with this pic saying, “I really made this with no purpose in mind but my own amusement =P I was doodling around with photochop after browsing a lot of art, your blog, etc… I don’t know what made me think to create this idea, but it just sort…
“The superheroes of the future will be people who’ll challenge this condominium of boredom, and we’ll find that our Bonnies and Clydes will emerge to challenge the suburban values.” –J.G. Ballard, JGB News, 1993 “I never said we should shy away from or retreat from technology. I thought that maybe we should embrace these apparently…
Google spreadsheets and buttplug tricks
I use Excel for my erotica anthologies, but it’s clumsy, unintuitive and overkill. I know my pal Tristan uses it for her porn casting database, too. But the just-launched Google Spreadsheets looks awesome, especially because I could share my spreadsheets live with my publisher and their staff. The idea of always having my work available…
Happy 06.06.06!
It’s a gorgeous day here in SF (it’s almost eathquake weather… hmm). But I thought that since it’s the day of the beast and the National Day of Slayer, it would be fun to direct your attention to Barely Evil (image via). It’s a paysite so there’s not a whole lot to see there, but…