At the surgeon’s office yesterday afternoon, I was on an accumulated 2 hours of sleep. I ended up having to wake almost every hour to administer one of the four medications the emergency hospital gave me; plus, the thorn was still *in* my cat’s eye as they were afraid to remove it, so I had…

In the Mercury News, a victory for bloggers, the EFF and First Amendment protections. Snip: “In a 69-page ruling, the San Jose-based 6th District Court of Appeal broke new ground by concluding that bloggers and Web masters enjoy the same protections against divulging confidential sources as established media organizations. Civil liberties groups and journalism organizations…

At about 6:30 I noticed something with my kitty’s eye — I spent the entire evening and tonight in the emergency hospital. Tomorrow we have surgery. I don’t know if he’ll keep the sight in his eye; 11 months old and he has a thorn stuck in his eye. I have been told that he…

In a rare moment, I answered my phone: he: “What are you doing?” me: “I just got out of the shower.” he: “Are you naked?” me: “Pretty much.” he: “I’ll be there in ten minutes.” me: “Eeeek!” It’s not what you think — or maybe it is. Within 20 minutes Jonno was in my kitchen…

I just sent out 191 rejection letters for submissions to Best Women’s Erotica 2007. I still have more to send. For some fucked up reason I decided to use Yahoo as my mail client for book subs. From the first reply to the last, I was stopped mid-send by Yahoo’s spam guard and required to…

So at BEA, Lucky Lana and I are walking around through all the white, washed, dockered masses with our black clothes and goth attitudes and tattoos blazing, and we see someone waving frantically at us down the aisle. It’s a girl — a cute girl! “Hey, Hey! I want you to have one of these!…