It’s four minutes of pure beauty — I just stumbled across this mesmerizing scene from Fritz Lang’s Metropolis on YouTube. It’s the sexiest scene in the whole movie, where the mad scientist tramsmutes the human female into a humanistic android in a visually cacauphonous art deco scene. I find it totally soothing and sexually compelling.…
The literal virtual clusterfuck
My friend Scott is a huge Second Life fan. At his New Year’s party we spent a tipsy few minutes in the kitchen where he explained why I should be interested in it, and about its various controversies — which interested me more. I went home and signed up, downloaded it, and spent the next…
Back: BEA wrapup
Before moving onward, I know that quite a few writers read this blog so it only makes sense that I do a BEA wrapup. Fortunately for me, my “handler” Lucky Lana beat me to the bloggy punch by writing her own excellent summary of our experiences there. I also had a second to respond to…
Meme of the week
I’m offline all day in meetings and appointments and stuff, but in the meantime check out the wee meme hitting my inbox from a variety of unrelated sources: the upcoming film Psychopathia Sexualis. Tony Comstock blogged about it then got to talk to the film’s director Brett Wood. Viviane blogged it (meta link); but you…
[Video] Make vs. Wal Mart
Allow me to interrupt this sex blog with an incredible video: in response to Wal-Mart’s new campaign to trademark the smiley face (this is true), Make: Blog has fired a seriously awesome and highly symbolic missive over the bow of the behemoth, at least in video form. It looks like they used the same Logitech…
Dancing through Jesusland
BEA was huge. Gigantic. And there are oodles of christian publishers — so many, I couldn’t just pick one to harass. I was one of the (3?) sex authors in the roughly five football fields of book publishers represented at BEA. It’s astounding; sex publishing makes up a really signifigant part of the market but…
[Audio] Open Source Sex 38
Before I run off to BEA, I should let you know about the new podcast I uploaded before I left SF — it’s one of my all-time favorite interviews to date. If you want to laugh, listen in! Text: In the ongoing interview series I’m doing at NPR, this has to be one of my…
Mistakes are awesome
I saw the Capitol building today for the first time (I think that’s where they keep the Senatards) and the Washington Monument, all on the way from the airport to the hotel. The conversation with the cab driver went like this: he: “First time in DC?” me: “Yes.” he: “Welcome. (pause) This is a bad…
I’m sitting here in Houston, I mean George Bush Intercontinental/Houston Airport, waiting for my connecting flight. This airport is like the biggest dirty buttcrack I’ve ever seen. In addition, I just realized that I forgot to pack a single sex toy. That means I’m going to have to do everything with my HANDS. So retro.…
Leaving San Francisco
It’s 3am and I can’t sleep — but I just spent an hour in a mosh pit and got kicked out of a leather bar with about 30 musicians and dancers, so it’s no wonder. Extra Action, and seeing all my friends in it, is the most perfect way to leave home I can think…